Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

Job interviews can come along at any time.

Once you find out that you'll be having an interview, start preparing!

Most people don't take the time to look at some common professional behaviors that will help you be seen as the top candidate.


Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash

In interviews, it is always best to arrive 15 minutes early so that you can find the location of the interview. This is a good practice because it will allow you a chance to get some water and relax before the interview starts.

Your cell phone should never be a distraction in an interview setting. When your phone rings, it's a sure sign that you did not take them time to turn it off. A ringing cell phone can eliminate you from the candidate pool.

Bringing copies of your work is the best way to show the employer that you know what you are doing. Add web links of your work to your resume so hiring managers can easily access them. When preparing for an interview, always bring paper copies so that they can review the work and ask questions as needed.


Arriving on time tends to be common sense for some interviews. However, emergencies can come up. How would you handle an emergency that would cause you to show up late?

First Impressions

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Eye contact is very important in an interview as it shows that you are actually paying attention. Eye contact shows that you are listening to the interviewer. The goal is to make sure that you are focusing in on what is being said so that you will know what to say when a question is asked.

Initiating a handshake shows respect and confidence. Greet the interviewer with a smile and a firm handshake. These two things will help to set the tone of the interview.


In order to show your interest in the role, eye contact must be maintained. What does eye contact mean as a first impression?

Engaging Behaviors

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Listen for key information. It shows that you'll be easy to work with and can follow directions.

  • Wait until the interviews finishes their statement before speaking.

  • Take notes if you like as this will help you to review what was said at a later date.

Ask at least three questions in relation to the job.

  • Asking questions shows your interest in the role.

  • It shows the interviewer that you've done your research.

Some examples: How has your company adapted to more people working from home? Do you describe the management style of the department director? What is your companies approach to onboarding?


What types of questions should you ask the interviewer?


Practice these behaviors so that you're ready when it's interview time.

Ask a friend to take on the role of a hiring manager for a company you'd be interested in working for. Practice introducing yourself, asking questions, and even shaking hands. Then, ask your friend for feedback!

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