Do you wake up excited to go to work? If you are not working right now, where would you like to work? Why do some organizations appeal to us more than others?

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Many people do not know how their daily work fits into a bigger picture. Work is enjoyable and productive when it gives us meaning and when we believe in a company’s goals.

How do we know where a company stands today and where it wants to go?

Photo by Husna Miskandar on Unsplash

Photo by Emma Dau on Unsplash

Mission and Vision

A mission statement tells us why a company exists. Sometimes called purpose, it announces a company’s focus, aims or objectives today to fulfill its vision.

Photo by Anastasia Petrova on Unsplash

How is a mission different from a vision? A mission is about now; a vision is about future aspirations and wider impact.

Google’s Mission Statement:

"To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."

Google’s Vision Statement:

“To provide access to the world’s information in one click.”

Together, mission and vision reflect an organization’s values and goals. These are meant to be long-lasting foundations ? but as times change, so do missions and visions.


Is this Amazon’s Mission or Vision? “We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience.”

Why should I care?

You will feel more connected to your work if your values are aligned to organizational values. It can make you ahappier employee or business partner!

Believing in a mission is motivating. Research shows that only 4 in 10 people know what their company stands for. Only 50% feel connected to their company’s mission.

Photo by Perry Grone on Unsplash

Every employee and partner should know their collective mission. It helps each person understand short-term goals and stay on track to success.


Why is understanding a company’s mission important?

How do I learn the mission?

If you can, it’s great to ask anyone working in or with an organization what the mission is. They should be able to tell you:

  • who the organization is;

  • what it does (and for whom); and

  • what benefits it brings to the world.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

If employees and partners can’t tell you a company’s mission, that could be a sign of a problem. But if you can’t find anyone to ask, that’s no problem ? ask Google!

Today, almost every organization publishes mission and vision statements on its website. You can find them in print or online documents, but sometimes you have to search for an About section. Companies also publish their missions on social media channels.

Your Turn


  • Determining if a company’s mission matches your values means you also need to reflect. What is your mission and vision? One day a company might ask you!


  • Watch the following video. What is the company’s purpose? Is the mission one that you support? Would you want to work here?

Ask these questions when you search for information about organizations you are involved with or would like to be associated with.


  • Search for five companies whose missions and visions excite you. Follow them on social media and pay attention to whether their actions match their words.


Exciting work is better work.

Whoever you are on a team ? or if you want to join a team ? you need to know what it works towards and why. Understanding the team’s mission is one way to learn.

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

If you are a leader, make sure your mission and vision are clear. As an employee or partner, make it a point to understand an organization’s mission.

If you don’t have a mission or vision, it’s time to make one now!


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