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Each dog is different and you should consider what they may specifically need to maintain their health.

  • Age: Puppies, adolescent and older dogs require different amounts of nutrients. Dog food brands will label which formulas are best for which age group. They may even change the size of the kibble from very small to larger to aid in your dog's teeth/ Change the formula as your pupper grows into a doggo!

Image of a medium-lengthed black, white and tan dog running after a purple ring on an open green field. Photo on Freepik

  • Activity Level: Some dog food brands will consider activity levels and create recipes that have more or less protein and carbohydrates. This is good to consider so your dog has enough for their day and not lose or gain an excessive amount of weight due to their energy level.

Photo of five different dog breeds and ages with happy expressions and body language lined up on a pink background.  Photo on Freepik

  • Health Issues: Some dogs may have certain health issues that certain diets can support. If your veterinarian has identified a concern, you can ask them if there is a certain formula or brand that you can feed your dog to help.

  • Specific Breeds: Some companies even create recipes that are specific based on certain breed needs. Some breeds are prone to certain health concerns and the recipes are specially formulated to support them.

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Each dog is different and you should consider what they may specifically need to maintain their health.

  • Age: Puppies, adolescent and older dogs require different amounts of nutrients. Dog food brands will label which formulas are best for which age group. They may even change the size of the kibble from very small to larger to aid in your dog's teeth/ Change the formula as your pupper grows into a doggo!

Image of a medium-lengthed black, white and tan dog running after a purple ring on an open green field. Photo on Freepik

  • Activity Level: Some dog food brands will consider activity levels and create recipes that have more or less protein and carbohydrates. This is good to consider so your dog has enough for their day and not lose or gain an excessive amount of weight due to their energy level.

  • Health Issues: Some dogs may have certain health issues that certain diets can support. If your veterinarian has identified a concern, you can ask them if there is a certain formula or brand that you can feed your dog to help.

Photo of five different dog breeds and ages with happy expressions and body language lined up on a pink background.  Photo on Freepik

  • Specific Breeds: Some companies even create recipes that are specific based on certain breed needs. Some breeds are prone to certain health concerns and the recipes are specially formulated to support them.

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