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By Mary Mills - 2

Selena is looking at her rock collection and she's trying to identify the rock images from the following list of descriptions:

Image of a Gneiss metamorphic-foliated rock with distinctive stripes of black and white quartz mineral grains

Rock Descriptions

Option 1: Granite rock contains quartz crystals with grains of feldspar minerals

Option 2: Gneiss rock has a pattern of thin stripes or bands of minerals arranged in layers

Image of a Breccia clastic sedimentary rock - angular large fragments mixed with small pieces cemented together

Option 3: Limestone rock contains from grains of rock salt minerals & calcium deposits

Image of a Granite Igneous Intrusive rock - quartz crystals, dark grains of feldspar & mica minerals - light pink-white-grey

Option 4: is sealed together with sharp-pointed pieces of rock, soil & minerals

By Mary Mills

Selena is looking at her rock collection and she's trying to identify the rock images from the following list of descriptions:

Image of a Gneiss metamorphic-foliated rock with distinctive stripes of black and white quartz mineral grains

Rock Descriptions

Option 1: Granite rock contains quartz crystals with grains of feldspar minerals

Option 2: Gneiss rock has a pattern of thin stripes or bands of minerals arranged in layers

Image of a Breccia clastic sedimentary rock - angular large fragments mixed with small pieces cemented together

Option 3: Limestone rock contains from grains of rock salt minerals & calcium deposits

Option 4: is sealed together with sharp-pointed pieces of rock, soil & minerals

Image of a Granite Igneous Intrusive rock - quartz crystals, dark grains of feldspar & mica minerals - light pink-white-grey

hi 3

A  person is sitting crouched on a bed with their eyes closed and a dark cloud is hovering over their head. Image by iwat1929 on Freepik

You're not alone, as it's common and ok to have interview anxiety. Here are some tips to help you manage your you can do this.

  • Practice healthy habits, such as self-compassion.

  • Use relaxation techniques. Try taking slow, deep breaths before answering any question.

  • Quiz


    By Nisha K

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    Photo by Anita Austvika on Unsplash Photo by Anita Austvika on Unsplash

    These tasks from your list belong in quadrant-4 and should be deleted or ignored.

    They are not important and not urgent and just waste time.

    A man is hitting the delete button repeatedly.

    Examples of quadrant-4 tasks would be:

    • Binge-watching Netflix

    • Browsing social media

    • Hanging out with your teammates to play dungeons and dragons all night

      Notice that these activities are neither urgent nor important.



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