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Edit Step Title

  • First skill that changed everything and helped improve my writing was planning

  • Planning is an essential life-skill, one that I neglected to develop for most of my life

  • As my planning skills improved, quality of my writing (and my life) improved

  • Writing is 80% planning, 20% writing [Eugene Yan, August 2020]

Photo by Kevin Wang on Unsplash

  • a) Develop a clear understanding of your target audience (the 'who' of it all)

  • b) Clarify the desired outcome you want to acheive with your target audience

  • c) Create a high-level outline of the key points you want to share with your audience (the 'what' of it all)

  • d) Understand the method you'll use to distribute your writing: email, text, social media, essay, report? (the 'how' of it all)

  • You' re ready to start writing

Edit Step Title

  • First skill that changed everything and helped improve my writing was planning

  • Planning is an essential life-skill, one that I neglected to develop for most of my life

  • As my planning skills improved, quality of my writing (and my life) improved

  • Writing is 80% planning, 20% writing [Eugene Yan, August 2020]

    Animated GIF

Middle Of Nowhere Inthewild GIF by DrSquatchSoapCo

  • a) Develop a clear understanding of your target audience (the 'who' of it all)

  • b) Clarify the desired outcome you want to acheive with your target audience

  • c) Create a high-level outline of the key points you want to share with your audience (the 'what' of it all)

  • d) Understand the method you'll use to distribute your writing: email, text, social media, essay, report? (the 'how' of it all)

  • You' re ready to start writing

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